Eastern Mediterranean roasted vegetable pizza- vegan

This supper, originally a kind of what- can- I- make- that's- vegan- while- the- kids- have- pizza? turned out better than a expected, considering it was invented from whatever I could find in the fridge and cupboards. So tasty, in fact, I will be making it again. I haven't given quantities, as they are not really  necessary; just adapt to however many people you want to feed.
pizza dough
roasted orange firm-fleshed pumpkin
                                                      smoked paprika
                                                      roasted courgette, sliced diagonally
                                                      sundried tomatoes, cut into strips
                                                      coarse-ground black pepper                                                 
                                                      dried basil

                                                      lemon juice
                                                      light soy sauce
                                                      water to mix
(Add ingredients in the given order until you have a thick, custard-like texture and a "cheesy" flavour. The water will make the sauce thicken at first, then it thins as you add more.)
  •  Mix the salt and smoked paprika with the mashed roasted pumpkin and spread onto the almost-cooked pizza base
  • Add the sundried tomatoes, roasted courgette slices and olives
  • Drizzle with the tahini sauce
  • Sprinke with the pepper and dried basil
  • Return to the oven (200C) and cook until heated through, but not long enough to over-dry the sauce.


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